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RQG 3.2.1

· 2 min read

Supported Foundry Versions Download Count

• This release contains a few bugfixes and improvements. Notably it no longer hides any rune items that are embedded on an actor. If there are any runes that aren't shown in the normal tables, there is another table with the "extra" runes so they can be deleted or edited.

• Also in worlds where the world language is set to something else than English, the Rqid search is improved. If searching for a Rqid don't find any document, the same Rqid will be searched again for an English version. This can be used for adding journal descriptions in another language that fallback to showing the English version if no translation exists.

For example the system provided cult "Ernalda" has a linked description to Rqid je..ernalda. Adding a translated description journal with the Rqid je..ernalda and with the same language as the world would open that journal instead of the english version. At the same time some other cult that is linked to a description that did not have any translated description would open the English version.

• The "focus" field on spirit magic items can now be edited by players on the actorSheet spirit magic tab. Just click on the focus column to edit.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • embedded runes may be hidden
  • fallback to english when searching for a rqid in another language
  • Firefox fails to load scenes since token effect svgs needs height & width for display on canvas
  • Get Items Like This is missing from the rqid editor
  • affordance of view gear by itemtype / location tabs is low
  • column Focus on spirit magic tab should be editable
  • add tooltip to show rune name & chance on character runes in header

RQG 3.2.0

· 3 min read

Supported Foundry Versions Download Count


Make sure to update the wiki module to at least version 1.0.0 since this system version includes changes to document types that needs to be reflected in these documents. Please look at the Installing page for details about the wiki module.

Make damage bonus part of weapon damage string

In previous versions the system tried to figure out if full, half, or no damage bonus should be added to the weapon damage by looking at if it's a melee, thrown or missile weapon. This worked for the majority of weapons, but could not capture exceptions like sling that is a projectile weapon, but anyway should get half damage bonus.

Starting with this version you need to add +db or +db/2 to the damage string of the weapon if you want it to include a damage bonus. The damage listed in the Weapons & Equipment books are expressed in the same way (except they write halv damage bonus like +½db).

There is a migration included that should update all existing damage strings.

Make runes translatable by using rqid for linking

Previous versions used the name of rune items for linking to them, with this change the rqid of the runes are used instead. This should make it possible to translate the name of the runes.

The links that were changed was; opposing & minor runes links in the rune item, cult item runes, rune magic item runes, and skill runes (used for sorcery spells until a dedicated sorcery spell item type exists). With this change the system setting for the name of the magic rune was removed and the rqid of the magic rune is now a CONFIG instead (set to i.rune.magic-condition by default).

There are migrations for all the item changes needed for this.

Improvements to the rqid editor

The Rqid editor field for the id now autofills the part of the id that fully depends on the document type. It also handles setting language and priority better when creating a new rqid. You will get default values for that when you set a rqid.

The info display, as well as the list of other items with the same rqid now has an improved display of what folder the document is located in.

Hide Opposing / Minor rune settings depending on runeType on Rune Item Sheet

The settings for opposing and minor runes in the rune item sheet are now only shown when they are relevant according to the type of the rune.

Bug fixes

  • Name of special damage in chat damage roll is impale even for slash damage
  • Actor without POW / MP is shown as unconscious and also show MP input field
  • Null exception if hit location lacks rqid flag "id" when dragged to actorSheet
  • Combat panel SR button is not right aligned for natural weapons

RQG 3.1.1

· One min read

Supported Foundry Versions Download Count

The previous release contained a serious bug that prevented actor sheets to be opened if there were not any ongoing combat.

Bug Fixes

  • Impossible to open character sheets
  • Missing translation on weapon itemSheet

RQG 3.1.0

· 4 min read

Supported Foundry Versions Download Count


This release requires a separate wiki module to be installed and activated. Please look at the Installing page for details.

Move system compendiums into a separate wiki module

Having the compendiums as a separate module, one per language, mean a lot less compendiums in the system in the future when we have multiple languages. It also simplifies the administration of what set of wiki you want since it will be handled by activating / deactivating modules instead of specialised settings in the system. Having them as a separate module also simplifies releasing updates since the module can be released independently of the system.

The previous compendium packs were built for the previous Foundry database NeDB, but the new wiki module builds database files for the v11+ database "classic level" so Foundry does not need to convert them at startup anymore.

Add SR buttons to actor sheet

For linked actors that currently are in combat there is now a row of 12 SR buttons. Clicking one of those will add a combatant to the current combat tracker at that SR, and clicking it again will remove it. There is also a ⓘ icon with a tooltip that has a reminder about how many SR various actions take. The DEX SR and SIZ SR are visualised by background color as an aid when using this.

Reset Initiative removes duplicate combatants

The top of the combat tracker is updated so that the "Reset Initiative" ↺ button clears all duplicate combatants and their SRs. The previous buttons "Roll All" & "Roll NPCs" are removed since they make no sense for RQG.

Missile weapon SR buttons

Missile weapons now have buttons for populating the combat tracker at the SRs they can shoot. For weapons with rate S/MR there are two buttons depending on if you start the round with a loaded arrow or not. The Range and Rate of missile weapons are now shown, both on the combat tab and on the gear tab.

Actor name extendedName field

The actor name is now divided into the name field and an extendedName / epithet field. The intended use is to keep the name short since that is what is displayed in sidebars, chat etc. The epithet field could then be used for family names or descriptive addons like "son of Herila" or "the dragon slayer". As part of this change the layout of the header was also updated, and if the actorsheet width is reduced the image is hidden to conserve space.

Integration with module Drag Ruler

If you have the module Drag Ruler active then you will get feedback on how far you can move your token. By default the green color means you are within attack range, a yellow color means you can get there but cannot attack. Red color means you cannot get there.

There is also support for an optional rule that lets you sprint further than your MOV. See "Speed Provider" settings in the drag ruler module settings.

Smaller bug fixes, features and refactorings

  • Actors now fall unconscious when they reach zero magic points
  • CON 0 gives wrong Max ENC
  • Improve restart settings code
  • Improve Active Effect tab by showing a link to the item an AE originates from
  • add translations for sheet names (items, actor & rollTable)
  • fix error message for non integer ENC Factor values
  • make default item icon colors black in the settings dialog

RQG 3.0.0

· 4 min read

Supported Foundry Versions Download Count


This release drops support for Foundry 10 and introduces support for Foundry 11, so you need to update Foundry to v11 before you can update this system to v3.0.0

New hit location view for humanoids and improved wounded indications

For actors with humanoid hitlocations the display is now more graphical. For this to work the hitlocations need correct rqids, and that can be fixed with the supplied macro RuneQuest Glorantha | en/Macros & Rolltables/Rqid Macros "Set Hit Location Rqids", that was added in the last release.

System compendium packs are now organized into folders

The handling of compendiums in Foundry 11 is much improved and this release takes advantage of the new abilities by organizing the supplied system compendium packs into folders.

Migrate Active Effects to foundry 11

Active Effects have changed in Foundry 11 and RQG now follows the new standard of not copying the active effects from the items to the actor. Instead they remain on the items, and it is also possible to edit acive effects even on embedded items. The "hidden" AE debug tab that shows active effects that affect an actor has been updated to take this into consideration. Also the item sheets no longer hide the active effect tab on embedded items. Note: To see the active effect tab run CONFIG.RQG.debug.showActorActiveEffectsTab=true in the f12 browser console.

BUG: Rune magic should not be accessible for cult laymembers

If you are not initiated into a cult you should not have access to the cults common rune magic. If you only have laymember status in a cult the rune magic table is now hidden.

Improve UX of MOV and relocate the ENC display to the gear tab

The MOV / ENC display in the actor sheet header has been too complicated. This tries to simplify it by concentrating on shoving MOV only there. The max / equipped % carried ENC is shown on the gear tab instead.

GM view

Player view

MOV tooltip

ENC display

Make it easier to see if a skill can get experience or not

On the skill tab there is now a "pen" icon on the skills that can not be improved by experience, but has to be studied to improve. This should make it more obvious why you don't get an "experience" glow on some skills.

Show parent document name on itemSheets title

To make it easier to know what item sheet you are looking at the actor name is now shown in the title.

Show a warning if the hit locations don't add up

If an actor has a set of hit locations that do not cover the full range of the d20 hit location die, or if there are hit locations that overlap there will now be a warning displayed to make it more obvious that the actor is not correctly set up.

Add tooltip to rqid window button

The titlebar rqid icon is moved to the left side, next to the Foundry id icon. Also it is no longer necessary to open the rqid window to see what rqid the document has, since that information is now shown as a tooltip.

Various minor tweaks for Foundry v11

  • fix: icon color in compendiums is wrong in v11
  • fix: foundry v11 warns about Item translation
  • feat: use Foundry font definition for Norse font