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Wiki Module

RuneQuest Wiki Foundry VTT module

Most content from Chaosium's RQG wiki is included in a Foundry VTT module that is a required companion to the main RQG System.

The module compendiums are organised into folders:

  • Cults & Magic
  • Equipment
  • Bestiary
  • Skills & Passions
  • Runes
  • Occupations & Places
  • Hit Locations
  • Macros & Rolltables

In the Bestiary/Adventurers compendium is a "Human (Base)" actor that can be used to build a PC (or NPC). Vasana from the wiki is also in that folder as an example of a more developed character.


You will need to have this module active in your world to make the RQG system work since it contains runes etc that is required for various calculations.

To begin with only an English language version is provided but hopefully more languages will follow. This is one reason these required compendiums are in a separate module and not in the system itself.