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4 posts tagged with "foundry-release"

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RQG 3.4.8

· One min read

Supported Foundry Versions Download Count

If your world has a lot of compendiums, you might have got warnings about runes that can't be found, and that compendiums are not yet indexed while starting. This release should fix that. It also contains size adjustments of runes icons.

In addition it updated the way the build tools are set up to make it possible to remove the game system warning about The "RuneQuest Glorantha" system's manifest contained the following unknown keys: "type", "release-please-start" The other warnings will be removed in the next major RQG release when Foundry 11 support will be dropped. In addition dependencies are updated, and the package manager is changed from the deprecated version of yarn to pnpm (this won't affect the game).

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Warnings about compendiums not indexed etc
  • Some runes appear to be too small

RQG 3.4.7

· 2 min read

Supported Foundry Versions Download Count

This released contains a bunch of bugfixes that should remove some annoyances. When entering modifications for rolls in the chat, it no longer loses focus after every key press. The calculation of the chance to improve skills is no longer incorrectly affected by how much you carry. And other fixes, see the linked github issues for details.

It also adds a log to the dev tools console to indicate how long caching of runes & hit locations take. It look like this, and the first line will always take a lot longer than the second, since the second line will "benefit" from the caching done by the first. You can use this information as an indication if things are running slowly.

RQG | Caching Runes took: 106.442138671875 ms
RQG | Caching Hit Locations took: 0.569091796875 ms

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Can only add one digit at a time to Modifiers box
  • Selecting Ammo on Combat Section of Character Sheet Initiates a Dice Roll Card
  • XP gain rolls are modified by ENC penalties when they should not be
  • Implement the context menu equipped entries
  • Untranslated strings if concat value is null