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Wiki 1.3.0

· 2 min read

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This release corrects a lot of errors in the definitions and adds token images to the bestiary, as well as extending the bestiary with harpies, scorpion men and tusk riders.

An incomplete list of Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • farm description link is wrong
  • misspelling in boat description
  • wiki actors should not be in edit mode by default
  • add harpies
  • add scorpion men
  • add tusk riders
  • scorpion men hitlocation baseHpDelta is wrong
  • passion-base mixup of images and names
  • long spear missing max hp
  • vasana should have hate lunar instead of devotion
  • cult Mostal description has wrong tagline
  • cult Yelm description has incorrect title
  • rune magic description, axe trance should not indicate it's stackable
  • rune magic description, heal body order of runes is wrong
  • rune magic description, healing trance is missing fertility rune
  • add actor token images
  • @RQID link format interferes with the ${{key}}$ translation syntax, change to §_key_§
  • rune type is in Capitals in system but lowercase in wiki
  • update uiContent.json and correct armor material names
  • "Command Cult Spirit (Elemental)" should be "Command Cult Spirit"
  • lots of errata for rune magic & spirit magic spells
  • split summon & dismiss elemental rune magic spells into separate items
  • incorrect armor leather greaves & pants ENC, composite helm cost
  • self bow HP
  • singlestick min DEX
  • javelins(shortspear) base chance
  • hug weapon skill link name
  • incorrect passion item base images
  • add vanity passion base