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RQG 2.2.6

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A number of bug fixes, and "behind the scenes" eslint was added to the build. That should improve code quality going forward, but it also meant that more or less every file has changes.

Bug Fixes

  • embedding a weapon shows a warning for usages without linked skill
  • runes in sorcery tab should not display chance
  • system background is broken (in Foundry v11)
  • system compendiums are missing embedded (descendant) documents (in Foundry v11)
  • weapon chat shows all usages regardless if it has the skill or not
  • weapon skills not added to actor in some cases

RQG 2.2.5

· 2 min read

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Fixed bugs:

  • add missing scorpion man hitlocation items
  • migration is run for new worlds
  • replace the broken hitlocation rqid setter form with a macro
  • update compendium hit-location rqids to new standard form
  • skillSheet & HitLocationSheet is missing values
  • wrong rqid on i.skill.fists-fist in compendium
  • show a rqid form for rune items

Set Hit Location Rqids Macro

There has been a design change in how the rqids for hit locations should be constructed. Now the system default syntax is for example i.hit-location.left-leg and there is a macro in the compendium "Rqid Macros" called "Set Hit Location Rqids" that can set the correct rqid on all hit-locations (even on those that already has a rqid set).

This syntax is expected by the token effect for protection, so to make that work this macro needs to be run, and at least the humanoid hitlocations needs to be updated.

This macro will list RQG hit location names and let you match them to the location names from the system settings by drag-n-drop. Yellow background means that the name does not exist as a setting. That might be fine if you do not have any creatures that need that hit location. It could also be because you have translated the hit location to another language so that they don't match the English names.

Drag the names from the right setting table to the corresponding hit location. If you are missing a hit locations to drag from, just add them to the system hit location setting, and rerun this macro.

When "Update" is clicked, all hit location items in compendiums, world and scenes will get the standard Rqid for that hit location.

RQG 2.2.4

· One min read

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This release fixes the errors Got unexpected item type in assert, undefined ≠ skill. There was a missed line that still used the old style of weapon to skill links.

RQG 2.2.3

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The search for item Rqids embedded in actors in compendiums was really slow. This release should fix that.

RQG 2.2.2

· One min read

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This is an even smaller followup bugfix release. If you have an actor compendium with embedded items with the old active effect style, the migration crashes. This release should fix that.

RQG 2.2.1

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This is just a small followup bug fix release.

The major fix is that the pre migration form now updates items in compendiums, both item compendium packs and actor pack with embedded items. The downside of this is that it takes longer time to run, but it is only run during migrations so hopefully it wont be too annoying. There is a known bug left - it does not update items inside token actors on a scene. Foundry v11 has done updates to how they work and I will wait to see how it works out in that version before fixing that.

The other fix is that the token actor effects duration now is defined as seconds instead of rounds. That means they will disappear even if the combat tracker is not active, but the game time moves forward (assuming you have the module "Times up").

There are also a few other minor bug fixes included.

RQG 2.2.0

· 9 min read

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Please note that if you have items / actors in compendiums, the migration won't work for them. That will be fixed in version 2.2.1

This release might be a bit disruptive to already existing worlds since it changes the model of how things are stored. Sorry for this wall of text but please read it before upgrading. And as always - really do take a backup before you start! The full changelog can be found here

Previously the link from weapon items to the skills that's needed to use them used a Foundry uuid to point to a skill when the weapon item was not embedded and a item id to point to the skill item on the same actor when then weapon item was embedded on an actor. This meant that if the weapon skill in your world was deleted, then all weapon pointing to that skill would be broken. Now the skill item is referenced with a rqid instead, which means that as long as you have at least one skill item in your world or compendium with the correct rqid, the weapon item will find it. Hopefully this will make the setup more resilient to changes in your worlds.

The Migration will try to find the skill previously linked and use the rqid on that skill to update to the new way of linking skills, if it fails (because it can't find a skill with an rqid on it) it will save the previous values and show "NOT FOUND" when the weapon use tab is shown, and hovering will tell you the content of the previous links. In this screenshot the weapon was broken even before the migration since both links were "undefined".

Rqid Batch Editor steps

Starting to use Rqids for linking weapon skills is a big change and to migrate your worlds I've incorporated a "Batch Rqid Editor" that is run before the actual migration scrips in order to set Rqids on the items that needs it (similar to the CoC one if you've seen that one). It will go through all items in your world and for each item that is missing an rqid it will display a row for each distinct name (for example Jump) to let you set the rqid for all items with that name. Currently it will show forms to set Rqids for skill, rune magic & hit location items one after the other. If it finds an exact match for the name of an item with an existing item that already has a set rqid, then it will autofill that rqid in the form. The "Existing Rqids" dropdown lists all Rqids that exist in the system.

There is a "magic wand" icon to the right of the rqid input field that will take the name of the item and convert that into a rqid. That can speed up the entering of data a lot, but take care to try and use the already existing Rqids where possible. The rqid should be in english even if you have translated the system.

⚠ One word of caution - on my machine the form makes Chrome crash on larger worlds, and after a lot of debugging I came to the conclusion that it was a Chrome extension that went haywire when it saw this form with all those input fields. It's not so fun to come half way into filling this form only to have everything disappear, so if you want to be on the safe side I would recommend doing the migration in an incognito window without any extensions.

① Skills

The important ones to set Rqid on are the weapon skills and Dodge, Jump, Move Quietly & Spirit Combat. The others can be left blank. When it comes to weapon skills there has been a lot of variation historically what they have been called. Even though it will currently work whatever rqid you set, I recommend to try and follow this standard for the rqid:

Melee-weapon skills usually are called something like 1H Daggers (Dagger) note plural on the category Daggers which translates to a rqid of i.skill.1h-daggers-dagger. Most of you probably do not have offhand skills, but if you do, the rqid should be the same as the primary hand skill with a -offhand suffix, for example 1h-daggers-dagger-offhand. There are exceptions like Quarterstaff that only is a category with no specialisation.

Missile-weapon skills follow the same pattern of category (specialisation), Javelins (Javelin) or as rqid i.skill.javelins.javelin.

Natural weapon skills partly follow the same pattern for fist type weapons Fists (Fist), but there are also one of a kind types like Grapple etc.

② Rune Magic Spells

The system only cares about the common rune magic spells (Command Cult Spirit, Divination, Sanctify, Summon Cult Spirit, Dismiss Magic, Extension, Multispell, Find Enemy, Heal Wound, Soul Sight, Spirit Block, and Warding). It is used to mark these spells in the rune magic spell list on the actor sheet (see screenshot further down )

③ Hit Locations

The Hit location needs Rqids to make the token hud effects work as they should (the protection effect will search for humanoid bodyparts on the actor). Please set Rqids on the human hitlocations "Head", "Left Arm", "Right Arm", "Chest", "Abdomen", "Left Leg" & "Right Leg" to the "humanoids" version of Rqids. You might see more rows depending on what creatures you have in your world, but you can ignore the other hitlocations and leave them unset.

New Syntax for custom active effects [Breaking!]

The syntax for custom Active Effects that affect items have changed. This is a breaking change and will need manual fixing when encountered. The syntax for custom Active Effects previously was <item type>:<item name>:<affected path> (for example skill:Dodge:system.baseChance). This is now changed to <rqid>:<affected path> (for example This makes the AE work in any language as well as simplifying the logic when embedding an item with an AE on an actor. The rqid for an item can be found by opening the item sheet and clicking "Rqid" in the sheet window header. The custom AE now also works on string values (previously it only worked on numbers). For example you could make an effect that increases weapon damage by 1d6 by setting the "Attribute Key" to i.weapon.broadsword:system.usage.oneHand.damage and the "Effect Value" to +1d6.


When you load your world you will get warning logs in the browser console (F12) looking something like this if you have active effects using the old syntax.

Foundry does not let you edit AE on embedded items, so to fix an actor with a broken AE you need to drag the item to the sidebar, delete the item from the actor, edit the AE on the item and then drag it back to the actor.

Please note that I still consider the custom Active Effects as experimental (only a little less so after this change).

Sub cult refactoring [Breaking!]

The previous cult item could not model Orlanths different subcults and still have one rune pool for all of them. Now there is a concept of "deity" and "sub cults". Currently this is mostly important for Orlanth, so if you already have a cult item with the deity Orlanth, when you drag another subcult of Orlanth to the actor they will get merged so that they share the same pool of rune points. You can also edit the subcults of a cult item in "Cult" tab on the cult item sheet.

⚠ Please note that if you had entered text in the previous field "Subcults" that is now gone. So before upgrading it could be wise to look at that field for any actors where it might be important (read PC actors) and note what subcults they should have so you can manually add them after the upgrade!

add common rune magic when embedding a cult

The cults supplied with the system now has a list of common rune magic spells that you get when joining the cult (there is a field in the cult item sheet where they are listed). When dragging a cult to an actor the actor will get all of those added. Most cults have the same set, but there are exceptions (like Eurmal that has fewer).

Note that existing cults items will not get retrofitted with the common runemagic spells automatically. The common runemagic spells will be marked on the actor sheet with a cult symbol as long as they got the correct Rqid in the pre-migration Rqid form.

Token HUD Effects

The token effects have been updated to match some magic spells, like protection (1 - 4), strength, Befuddle, Bladesharp, Bludgeon, Coordination, Counter magic, Demoralize, Dullblade, Fanatacism, Fireblade, Glamour, Glue, Ironhand, Lantern, Light, Mobility, Parry, Shimmer, Slow, Spirit screen, Vigour, as well as some of the previously ones like Asleep, Prone etc. In addition there are 6 general purpose effects. If you install the module Times Up, the effects with a background all disappear after 10 melee rounds, and the ones with a brighter orange background actually affect the actor as well (using active effects).

ActorSheet wounded effects

The actor sheet now makes wounds more immersive, starting with a red tint if the actor is wounded going through blurring and eventually greyscale if the actor is shocked, unconscious or dead.

Skills without specialisation warning on Actor Sheet

Previously you would get a dialog forcing you to specify the specialization of a skill that had an unspecified specialization (...) when you dragged it to an actor. Now the skill is embedded - but you get a warning on the skill-tab that you should complete the skill by entering what the skill specialization is.