Hit Location
The wiki module contains compendiums with hit locations for most body types including humanoids (see
folder Wiki RuneQuest Glorantha / Hit Locations
). If you drag a hit location to an actor it will
end up in the Combat Tab.
The parts of a hit location are:
This is required for identifying the type of this hit location, so that for example armor can be made to cover it. Editing the Rqid can be done by clicking the icon in the window title bar. For more info see the section about Rqid.
For damage calculations, act as
When a hitlocation gets damage it will react differently depending on what is selected here.
There are four possible values (Limb
, Head
, Chest
& Abdomen
). And if Limb
is chosen a
"Connected To" field is shown. This is to be able to model that an Abdomen that gets a severe hit
should make the limbs (legs) useless and the other special handling described in the section "Damage
Equal to or More Than the Location’s Hit Points" on page 147-148 in the core rulebook.
Connected to
This is only shown for Limb
hitlocations, see above.
Hit Location on
This is the range on the hitlocation D20 roll that this hit location occupies. It is used when determining what hitlocation should get damage.
Natural AP
The armor points added here will reduce damage taken when damage is applied. The total AP of the hitlocation will be this number plus the AP of any equipped armor item that affects this hit location.
Base HP Delta (+/- from base location HP)
The "base location HP" is calculated from the total actor HP, and since different hit locations have different HP the "delta" is used to model how many HP this hit location should have. This value needs to be adjusted for different creature hit locations, but in the wiki there are premade sets of hit locations for different creatures.
For special cases that do not follow the general rule, like Gorps that have a single hit location with HP equal to total HP, this field needs to be adjusted on the individual Gorp since the total HP can differ between individuals.